Avista Digital
Avista Digital
nóv 17, 2021

How to add Avista as Technical Support in ISNIC.is

Today we are adding Avista as technical support for your website on ISNIC.is. You will need to follow these simple steps to set Avista as a technical contact so we can access whenever there is an issue.

1. Go to isnic.is

Innskráning / Login
2. Click on Login in the upper right corner and enter your information. NIC-Handle and the Password are required. Click on Submit.


Select Domains
3. A list of your domains will appear on screen.

4. Click on the Domain (Lén) button and select Change contacts (Skipta um tengiliði).

Add Avista as Technical Contact

5. Click on the checkbox beside your domain name. Then, in the middle box called Technical Contact add the following code: AE809. This code represents Avista (Don’t worry about the Admin Contact and Billing Contact, and leave them as they are or blank.) Click on Submit.

We will receive your information and access in a short time. Just send us a message to know if we have received the access, and we will take it from there. Thank you!